Business Speakers

Business Speakers

Gary Baney
Top 100 IT Leader (and Dragon Boat Racer)

Gary Baney
Gary Baney

Topics include:

  • Career Management into your 60’s … and beyond (for an older crowd – encouraging, practical advice)
  • The Impact of IoT on Healthcare and Healthcare Education (for either techies or for healthcare community)

Ingrida Bublys
Honorary General Consul of the Republic of Lithuania

Ingrida Bublys
Ingrida Bublys

Topics include:

  • Lithuania open for business
  • Business Opportunities in the Baltics
  • A country as ambitious as you are- Lithuania
  • Business Environment in Lithuania

Miriam Carey
Author, Writer and Editor

Miriam Carey
Miriam Carey

Topics include:

  • Write a Book in 24 Blogs – How to develop content, build an audience, and write and sell a book one year
  • Write your Autobiography in 12 Blogs – Leave a Legacy for your Children and Grandchildren – use this Method to Write the Story of Your Life
  • Write a Business Book in 24 Blogs – How to Frame your Approach, Build an Audience, and Capture a Market in Less than a Year
  • Become a Freelance Writer – Tips From a Pro on Launching and Managing your Freelance Writing Career
  • Become a Freelance Travel Writer – How to Launch and Manage a Freelance Travel Writing Business
  • Freelance for B2B: Where the Money Is – Strategies for a Strong Career in Freelance Business Writing

Bob Coppedge
CEO, Author, Speaker, Crotchety Old Geek

Bob Coppedge
Bob Coppedge

Topics include:

  • IT Security
  • CEO Survival Guide to Information Technology
  • ABC’s of Business Intelligence
  • When is IT obsolete?
  • 3 ways to improve your IT without Con$ultant$
  • Identifying Single Points of Failure within your organization
  • Co-Managed IT services: A new model of IT support
  • What is the Dark Web?
  • The Entrepreneurs of Malware

Ambassador Edward F. Crawford
Entrepreneur and Ambassador

Ambassador Edward F. CrawfordAmbassador Crawford enjoys sharing his knowledge about entrepreneurism and his experience as a successful serial entrepreneur with student groups and select other groups.




Alex Desberg
Sales & Marketing Director at

Alex Desberg
Alex Desberg

Topics include:

  • Voice over IP – VOIP
  • Internet Security
  • Online Marketing
  • DSL and Broadband
  • CRM software

Jim D’Orazio
Business College Marketing Professor

Jim D'Orazio
Jim D’Orazio

Topics include:

  • Digital marketing (inbound marketing, content marketing)
  • Creating an online strategy
  • Business to business marketing
  • Corporate social responsibility

Kevin Goodman
Managing Director, BlueBridge Networks

Kevin Goodman
Kevin Goodman

Topics include:

  • Technology- cybersecurity and privacy
  • Using technology to empower your business
  • Using technology to help meet your nonprofit’s mission
  • Workforce development
  • Business continuity and disaster recovery.
  • Career change and reinvention.
  • Sales and Networking
  •  Participation on Non-Profit Boards

Dan Hanson
Great Lakes Geek and Entreprenerd

Dan Hanson speaking
Dan Hanson

Topics include:

  • Cleveland Tech History

Kimberly Kirkendall
President of China Resource Network

Kim Kirkendall
Kim Kirkendall

Topics include:

  • Operate Successfully in China
  • International Negotiation Techniques
  • Leadership & Management Strategy

Ken Kovach
Board Certified Coach 

Ken Kovach
Ken Kovach

Topics include:

  • Nonprofit Board Development – How to keep your nonprofit board accountable and connected with its stakeholders; special board assessment tool – Board Rx.
  • Working with a Coach – How to select a coach for personal professional development. What are effective professional development assessment tools?

Rick Lubinski
Energy Management Expert

Rick Lubinski
Rick Lubinski

Topics include:

  • Supply-Side and Demand-Side energy management
  • Federal and State Incentives for Energy Projects
  • Best Practices for Energy Management Success
  • How to sell an energy project to a CFO
  • Energy Management Challenges and Opportunities in N.E. Ohio
  • Utility deregulation = Promises Broken, Energy Management = Promises Kept
  • Saving Money with Energy Management

Lou McMahon
Water and the Law

Lou McMahon
Lou McMahon

Topics (aimed primarily at lawyers and engineers) include:

  • Water and the Law
  • Development of Ohio Water Law
  • Great Lakes Water Law
  • Introduction to the Clean Water Act
  • Water and Sovereign Immunity
  • EPA’s Integrated Planning Framework

Chris Thompson
Founder and president of
Civic Collaboration Consultants, LLC

Chris Thompson
Chris Thompson

Topics include:

  • Beyond CoBLABoration: What it takes for leaders to leave their logos and egos at the door so they can get things done together.
  • The Civic Superpower: How the practice of inquiry – asking new, compelling questions and listening deeply to the answers that emerge – can transform a stuck community into a vibrant community.
  • Collaboration Moves at the Speed of Trust: Why trust is essential to effective collaboration and what you can do to build trust within your community.
  • System Change: What is it? What does it take? And why our communities will remain inequitable until we accomplish it.