Business Speakers
Gary Baney
Top 100 IT Leader (and Dragon Boat Racer)

Topics include:
- Career Management into your 60’s … and beyond (for an older crowd – encouraging, practical advice)
- The Impact of IoT on Healthcare and Healthcare Education (for either techies or for healthcare community)
Ingrida Bublys
Honorary General Consul of the Republic of Lithuania

Topics include:
- Lithuania open for business
- Business Opportunities in the Baltics
- A country as ambitious as you are- Lithuania
- Business Environment in Lithuania
Miriam Carey
Author, Writer and Editor

Topics include:
- Write a Book in 24 Blogs – How to develop content, build an audience, and write and sell a book one year
- Write your Autobiography in 12 Blogs – Leave a Legacy for your Children and Grandchildren – use this Method to Write the Story of Your Life
- Write a Business Book in 24 Blogs – How to Frame your Approach, Build an Audience, and Capture a Market in Less than a Year
- Become a Freelance Writer – Tips From a Pro on Launching and Managing your Freelance Writing Career
- Become a Freelance Travel Writer – How to Launch and Manage a Freelance Travel Writing Business
- Freelance for B2B: Where the Money Is – Strategies for a Strong Career in Freelance Business Writing
Bob Coppedge
CEO, Author, Speaker, Crotchety Old Geek

Topics include:
- IT Security
- CEO Survival Guide to Information Technology
- ABC’s of Business Intelligence
- When is IT obsolete?
- 3 ways to improve your IT without Con$ultant$
- Identifying Single Points of Failure within your organization
- Co-Managed IT services: A new model of IT support
- What is the Dark Web?
- The Entrepreneurs of Malware
Ambassador Edward F. Crawford
Entrepreneur and Ambassador
Ambassador Crawford enjoys sharing his knowledge about entrepreneurism and his experience as a successful serial entrepreneur with student groups and select other groups.
Alex Desberg
Sales & Marketing Director at

Topics include:
- Voice over IP – VOIP
- Internet Security
- Online Marketing
- DSL and Broadband
- CRM software
Jim D’Orazio
Business College Marketing Professor

Topics include:
- Digital marketing (inbound marketing, content marketing)
- Creating an online strategy
- Business to business marketing
- Corporate social responsibility
Kevin Goodman
Managing Director, BlueBridge Networks

Topics include:
- Technology- cybersecurity and privacy
- Using technology to empower your business
- Using technology to help meet your nonprofit’s mission
- Workforce development
- Business continuity and disaster recovery.
- Career change and reinvention.
- Sales and Networking
- Participation on Non-Profit Boards
Dan Hanson
Great Lakes Geek and Entreprenerd

Topics include:
- Cleveland Tech History
Kimberly Kirkendall
President of China Resource Network

Topics include:
- Operate Successfully in China
- International Negotiation Techniques
- Leadership & Management Strategy
Ken Kovach
Board Certified Coach

Topics include:
- Nonprofit Board Development – How to keep your nonprofit board accountable and connected with its stakeholders; special board assessment tool – Board Rx.
- Working with a Coach – How to select a coach for personal professional development. What are effective professional development assessment tools?
Rick Lubinski
Energy Management Expert

Topics include:
- Supply-Side and Demand-Side energy management
- Federal and State Incentives for Energy Projects
- Best Practices for Energy Management Success
- How to sell an energy project to a CFO
- Energy Management Challenges and Opportunities in N.E. Ohio
- Utility deregulation = Promises Broken, Energy Management = Promises Kept
- Saving Money with Energy Management
Lou McMahon
Water and the Law

Topics (aimed primarily at lawyers and engineers) include:
- Water and the Law
- Development of Ohio Water Law
- Great Lakes Water Law
- Introduction to the Clean Water Act
- Water and Sovereign Immunity
- EPA’s Integrated Planning Framework
Chris Thompson
Founder and president of
Civic Collaboration Consultants, LLC

Topics include:
- Beyond CoBLABoration: What it takes for leaders to leave their logos and egos at the door so they can get things done together.
- The Civic Superpower: How the practice of inquiry – asking new, compelling questions and listening deeply to the answers that emerge – can transform a stuck community into a vibrant community.
- Collaboration Moves at the Speed of Trust: Why trust is essential to effective collaboration and what you can do to build trust within your community.
- System Change: What is it? What does it take? And why our communities will remain inequitable until we accomplish it.