Lou McMahon
Water and the Law

Lou McMahon Speaking Topics
(Primarily aimed at lawyers and engineers)include:
- Water and the Law
- Development of Ohio Water Law
- Great Lakes Water Law
- Introduction to the Clean Water Act
- Water and Sovereign Immunity
- EPA’s Integrated Planning Framework
Louis L. McMahon has been named 2017 Best Lawyers® “Lawyer of the Year” for Litigation – Environmental in the Cleveland area.
Lou’s practice emphasizes traditional areas of environmental legal experience, particularly related to water law developments, as well as counseling municipalities on Clean Water Act compliance through innovative approaches that have come to be called “integrated planning.”
Lou has extensive experience with environmental issues relating to water law litigation, the Great Lakes and related public trust issues, brownfields redevelopment, and other environmental regulatory and legislative matters. Among other things, Lou represents sewer districts serving two of Ohio’s largest cities in negotiations with US EPA and Ohio EPA. These districts have over $6 billion of Consent Decree commitments.
Lou has regulatory and litigation experience with the question of large scale diversions from the Great Lakes. He also has regulatory and legislative experience with the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact and has advised clients regarding lakefront redevelopment plans, Great Lakes public trust issues and submerged land leases.
His Practice Areas Include:
- Environmental
- Statutory and Regulatory Practice
- Local Government Practice
- Contaminated Property and Brownfields Redevelopment
- Environmental Enforcement
- EPA Integrated Planning
- Water
- Litigation
- Environmental Litigation
Lou McMahon has been nationally recognized in “The Best Lawyers in America” for Environmental Law (since 2008), Environmental Litigation (since 2011) and Water Law (since 2013).