Debbie Hanson
ClevelandWomen.Com, ClevelandSeniors.Com & ClevelandPeople.Com

Debbie Hanson Speaking Topics include:
- Interesting Cleveland People – Famous and Not
- The Cleveland Irish Community
- The Cleveland Polish Community
- Cleveland Pets and their People
- Ethnic Holidays and Traditions
- Identity Theft for Seniors and others
With her work on websites such as, ClevelandWomen.Com, ClevelandPeople.Com, ClevelandPets.Com and other Cleveland based websites, Debbie has interviewed hundreds of interesting people.
Some of the people you will know, like Bob Feller and Wilma Smith. But others won’t be familiar but have fascinating life stories. Debbie has given many presentations on stories about interesting Cleveland and NEOhio people she has profiled.
As an active member of the Cleveland Irish community (past-president of the Irish American Club East Side) she is also proficient in telling the tale of the Irish in Cleveland.